Introducing a Baby to Your Family Pet

Bringing home a new baby is an exciting event in a family’s life, but it can be a bit stressful for your family pet, and it can also be scary for you to introduce your pet to your baby. There are always concerns about what could go wrong, and it’s best for you to be overprepared.

If you’re getting ready to bring home a baby in the next few months, there are some steps you can take to smooth the transition for your dog or cat, making you and your pet more comfortable in the long run.

Armed with your new knowledge, you can have confidence that your new baby will be safe around your beloved family pets.

baby with dog

Review the Training Basics

Long before you bring the new baby home, it’s important to take the time to review some training basics. You don’t want to be struggling with your dog not wanting to obey you while trying to wrangle a baby at the same time. Keep consistency in your cat’s behavior as well. Try to avoid letting them on tables or counters, even casually, as kitty may take that as an invitation to check out new baby stuff. Easy training aids like Sssscat or something similar can help you establish limits for your cat.

You’ll also want to get some baby gates so that you can separate your new baby from the pets, and vice versa, if necessary. A cat litter box is definitely not something you want your baby getting into, and dog food might be interesting, but it’s not the healthiest choice for baby.


Introduce New Sounds and Smells Early

Before you bring a baby home, get your pets used to the sounds and smells associated with a baby. Get some loud baby toys early on, and let your dogs or cats get used to what they smell and sound like and make sure they know these toys are safe and not a threat. The last thing you want is unnecessary defensive behavior from your animals when your baby is around! You can also introduce dogs and cats to smells like diapers and baby blankets, and you might consider letting them see the baby’s room so they don’t get overly curious when the baby comes home. Let them explore the space first, and they might not find it as fascinating later, when the baby arrives home.

Before you do bring the baby home, let your pets sniff a blanket or clothing item the baby has already used. This way, they have a chance to get familiar with the new smells of the baby without any risks.

Consider a Practice Run

Some professionals recommend introducing your pet to a life-like doll before the baby comes home. This gets them used to associated sounds and movements that are similar to a real baby’s movements. Practice holding the doll in your arms around the house so your pet gets used to seeing you this way. You might even take the doll in your arms or in a stroller for a walk with your dog, so you can work on how they need to behave while the baby is around. This early training will help immensely when the baby comes home. Dogs and cats will already have an idea of how they need to behave around the new family member, and you can worry less.

child with pet

Of course, an actual baby is quite different from a doll, and there will always be some unexpected issues that come up. Stay calm, and trust that you will be able to handle any issues as they arise. Keep an extra person on hand when you’re introducing your pet to the baby, just in case something happens. You’ll be grateful for the extra help.

Always Supervise

Finally, even after bringing the baby home and having a successful introduction, know that both pets and babies are sometimes unpredictable. No matter how well trained your animal is, new situations with a baby can provoke reactions that you never expected to see. Because of this, it is vital that you always supervise your animals around your new baby. Animals are reacting to the new stimuli of a baby in ways that make perfect sense to them. Understand that these might not make sense to you and be prepared to modify behavior and add additional training to protect your child. As a general rule, you should never leave your pet unattended with your child, no matter how much you trust them.

If you take the time to prepare your pets for baby’s arrival and practice appropriate behaviors early on, you’ll have a much better chance of success when you introduce your baby to the family pets. Do your research and plan the introduction carefully. Introduce new sounds and smells slowly and purposefully. Pets will adjust to a baby in the home if you give them time to prepare!

Larry Muller
Important Holiday Safety Tips to Keep Pets Happy and Healthy

With the feel and smell of fall finally in the air, it’s time to start thinking about the holiday season just around the corner! The holidays are always an exciting, fun time of year, with decorations going up, presents getting wrapped, and delicious food being eaten. But it can also carry some risks for our furry friends. Before you start decorating your home and getting ready for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or whatever you celebrate, keep these tips in mind to keep your family pets safe and happy.

Parties, Extra Family, or Surprise House Guests

house party

The holidays are typically a time for family and friends to come into your home, potentially for days at a time. However, loud parties and house guests can cause your pet a bit of extra stress. There are a few things you can do to make sure your pet still feels safe and as stress free as possible while you play host to your family and friends.

Even if your pet is usually sociable and comfortable with people, it’s still possible for a large gathering or a steady stream of drop-ins to cause them to become overexcited or anxious.

You can keep your pet calmer by making sure you have a safe space they can go to get away from visitors—someplace like a quiet bedroom guests can’t enter. This way, they can retreat from the noise and excitement if they get too stressed out. Make sure you let your guests know that you have a pet in the house, so that exit doors aren’t accidentally left open in the hubbub of a party. You should consider having your pet microchipped if you don’t already, just in case your pet does manage to escape the home.

Holiday Plants and Foliage

Decorating with seasonal plants is common during the holidays; unfortunately, a number of these plants are highly toxic to dogs and cats. Balsam, pine, cedar, holly, mistletoe, amaryllis, poinsettias, and lilies are just a few of the commonly exchanged plants around the holidays that can be extremely dangerous or poisonous to your pets if they decide to eat them. Keep any potentially toxic plants well out of your pet’s reach and be sure to check available lists of poisonous plants if you are unsure.

If you have a live Christmas tree in your home, you should be aware that additives to the tree’s water can be potentially harmful to your pet. If you have a pet in the house, don’t add supplements of any kind to your Christmas tree’s water. Many cats also love to climb Christmas trees, which, in addition to being dangerous for your kitty, can potentially cause a great deal of damage to your favorite ornaments. Consider placing your tree in a corner to limit your cat’s access to it, and possibly even secure the tree to the ceiling with fishing line to help prevent a potential crash. You can also try spreading aluminum foil around the base of the tree; cats don’t like to walk on aluminum foil, so this could keep your kitty from coming too close.

Ornaments and Other Decorations

Keep tree decorations out of reach of your pets. Broken ornaments could damage your pet’s paws if they step on them, tree lights can cause burns or even shock your pets if they chew through the wire, and tinsel can block your pet’s intestines if ingested, which can only be fixed with surgical intervention. Try to keep any lights, ornaments, or tinsel in higher parts of the tree, out of your pet’s reach.

If you’re decorating with candles, be sure to keep them out of your pet’s reach and never leave an animal unsupervised with an open flame. Put up a screen on your fireplace and blow out any candles when you leave the room; this is also a good policy in general to prevent accidents in the home.

Holiday Treats and Food

We all love to spoil our pets with special treats, but try and keep that limited to treats made specifically for your animal, not human food. Rich foods can upset your pet’s stomach, and some foods, such as like chocolate, onions, or raisins, could be harmful to them. When in doubt, keep the human food for your human guests, and be sure to clean up any leftovers from your countertops so pets can’t sneak a snack. There are plenty of holiday-themed pet treats you can use to spoil your special pets; pick up some of those instead!

If you keep these tips in mind when decorating and preparing for your holiday parties and events, you and your pets will have a great time and keep the stress to a minimum. Stay safe!

Larry Muller
Ready to Adopt? How to Prepare Your Home for a New Pet

Deciding to adopt a pet from the shelter can be an exciting experience for you and your family. But too often, pets come home to a house that isn’t truly ready to welcome them.

Before you pick up your new family pet, make sure you have taken the time to prepare your house and your family for what the new dog or cat’s life will be like. Remember that upfront preparation can save you and your new pet a lot of stress and heartache. Try a few simple tips so that you and your pet will know exactly what to expect.


Before You Bring Them Home

If you’re still in the planning stages of bringing home a new pet, make sure you spend the time doing your research! Decide what type of pet you want, whether you’d like an older or younger animal, and think about grooming requirements and activity levels. This ensures you have selected an animal that will best fit you and your family’s lifestyle, making it more likely you’ll experience a successful adoption.

Once you’ve decided on the right pet for you, it’s time to do a little home preparation. Puppy or kitten proof your home by cleaning up loose electrical cords, moving any house plants out of reach, making sure that chemicals and cleaning products are secured away from your new pet, and install some gates or set up a crate. You’ll want to create a safe space for your new dog or cat to spend the first few days where they can feel comfortable and secure while staying safely out of trouble.

If your pet is going to spending some time outside, prepare your backyard and the perimeter of your house as well. Make sure you know the types of plants around your home; many species of plants are toxic to dogs and cats, so you’ll want to be sure you keep them out of reach. If you don’t already have one, consider setting up a fence around the perimeter of your backyard. This will give your new dog a safe space to explore the outside and get some exercise. Fences are less of a problem for cats, so consider keeping your new cat inside or setting up a “catio” for them to experience the outdoors while still staying safe.

Lastly, make sure you’ve purchased everything you’ll need for your new animal, like food, toys, crates, bedding, or anything else you may need. Shopping for pet supplies early will save you the rush to the pet store with your new pet in tow. If you already have everything you need, your pet will be able to come right home to a prepared space!

The First Few Days in a New Space

Keep your new pet under supervision for the first few days at home. They’ll be adjusting to a new environment, and it can be a stressful time for your new friend. You can use the 3-3-3 rule to track your new pet’s progress in adjusting to you and your home. This rule involves three important milestones in the adjustment period: the first three days, the first three weeks, and the first three months.

During the first three days, a new animal is taking it all in; they may be stressed or nervous, so don’t be alarmed if your new pet doesn’t want to come out of the secure area you’ve made for them or if they don’t seem to want to eat much. You won’t be seeing a pet’s real personality during this period, so just stay patient.

Within the first three weeks, your pet will begin getting comfortable with your home and routine. You’ll begin to see your new pet’s new personality, and behavioral issues may start to make an appearance. It’s best to correct any issues as they occur, otherwise you may have a bigger problem down the road. Once you’ve reached three months, your new pet should be pretty much comfortable in their new environment. They’ll be well into a routine and feeling right at home with you and your family. Keep watching them for any behavioral changes, but all in all, if you’ve made it to three months successfully, it’s a good sign that you’re in the clear.

Now, if you have other pets in the home, you’ll want to keep them separate for at least a day before introducing the new pet into the family. Food can be used as a tool to help animals get acquainted. Feeding them at the same time with separation from a barrier can help your animals associate each other’s scents with mealtime, creating a positive association for your pet. Try to let cats make introductions on their own, always ensuring there is a safe escape route in place for them if things get uncomfortable. Always supervise introductions, and remember to take it slow!


Next Steps

Once you’ve taken these preparatory steps and helped your pet get comfortable with their new space, you can start to relax. Remember, your new pet is your new best friend! Play with them, take them for walks, and start building that relationship. Adopting a pet is rewarding and fun, so long as you know what you can expect!

Larry Muller
How to Choose the Right Dog for You: What You Need to Know

Lifestyle Considerations

Take a good look at your family and your lifestyle before you bring home any dog. How often are you at home? Do you have any small children? What is your general activity level like right now? It’s a mistake to bring home a dog that doesn’t match your lifestyle or to bring one home because you think you’ll be making some changes in your activity level in the future. An active dog will quickly seem like a burden if your idea of exercise is a weekly walk around the park. Your canine companion might need walks two or even three times a day, and you can be sure that if you don’t meet those needs, he or she could take that energy out on your furniture, shoes, or anything else that happens to be nearby. There are plenty of dogs that are absolutely content with laying on a couch with you all day. All in all, you just need to be sure you choose a dog that fits you.


Size Matters

Maybe you’ve had your heart set on a large breed of dog, or you know a petite lapdog is the one for you. Either way, it’s important to consider the needs of your dog and the space you have available! Bringing a bull mastiff or an Alaskan malamute into your one-bedroom apartment is likely not a great move for you or your new canine friend. If you’re adopting from a shelter, know that they may look into your home situation before approving your application to adopt—this includes checking on whether you have the suitable space available for your future pet.


what do you need to know

If you’re an animal lover, you’ll know that there’s nothing quite like coming home after a long day, or even just a quick trip to the store, and experiencing the enthusiastic greeting of your waiting pet. Whether you love dogs, cats, birds, or some other type of animal, we can all agree that pets make the best friends you could ever ask for.

Maybe you haven’t taken the plunge and brought a pet into your home yet, but you know that man’s best friend is just what you need. If you’re considering adopting a dog, here are some things you should know before you head to your local shelter or rescue.


Consider a Trial Run

Your next consideration should be your family. Do you have children, roommates, or a partner at home, or is it just you? If there are any dog allergies in the house, you want to be sure you know about it before you bring a dog into the home. Introducing a dog of any kind into a home with an infant or small child has the potential for problems. Before you commit to a new dog, be sure to ask the employees at the rescue or shelter lots of questions about the history of the animal—they know their animals well, so don’t be shy. You can also set up a meet and greet with a dog you are interested long. This allows you to take the dog out for a short walk and see how they interact with you and your family.

If you’ve tried these options but you still feel doubtful about a new dog in the home, consider providing a dog with a foster home for a while instead. Shelters always need fosters, and fostering gives you an opportunity to find out if having a dog in your home is the right move for you.


Get Ready for a New Best Friend

Congratulations! Now that you’ve chosen your new dog, bring them home to your family and get ready for your new best friend. Dogs can be loyal companions, and caring for them is both challenging and rewarding. Enjoy your new pal!

Larry Muller
Thinking of Adopting a Cat? Here’s What You Need to Know

Know Yourself, Know Your Lifestyle

Bringing a cat or kitten to your life is a long-term commitment, sometimes up to 20 years depending on the cat. If you’re thinking about adding a cat to your household, think carefully about your lifestyle.

What is your living situation like? Are you in a house or apartment? If you rent, you will want to be sure you understand your landlord’s policies on pet ownership, or you might be saddled with some unexpected extra expenses.

How much time do you really have to devote to your new pet? Kittens are adorable and can provide you with hours of entertainment, but they are high energy and will likely require you to kitten proof your home, train them to use a litter box, and be available for hours of play time.

If this doesn’t sound so appealing, consider adopting an adult cat. Adult cats are typically pre-acquainted with the litter box, and playtime isn’t as all-encompassing as it is for kittens.

Consider other people living in your home as well. Be sure to find out if your roommates or family members are willing to help with the cat, or if they would rather not be involved in the everyday care. If there’s a pet allergy, you may need to put your plans on hold.

Do you work from home, with lots of time to devote to training and care? Or is it common for you to travel for work, putting you out of the house for several days or more during a month?

If you’re the primary cat parent, you’ll need to make plans to have someone check on your cat when you’re gone. Though cats are pretty self-sufficient, they can do some serious damage if left unattended for several days, plus it’s simply not good pet parenting.


Prepare Yourself for the Application Process

One of the most common misconceptions about adopting an animal from a shelter is that you can simply walk in the door, find your forever pet, and leave that same day to take him or her home. This is not always the case. Rescues and shelters require potential pet owners to apply and be approved as a good candidate for an adopted dog or cat. They may even require a personal interview before issuing an approval.

Don’t be discouraged if you are rejected by a particular organization. Apply to several places, and eventually you will find the perfect match. Remember that applications and interviews exist to protect the animals and to ensure they end up in a permanent home.

If you think you may want to adopt a pet now or in the future, consider filling out a few applications before you go to the shelters. This makes your odds for leaving with a pet the same day you visit significantly higher. Many organizations will keep your application on file for several months, so you can take your time finding the ideal pet without worrying about whether or not you will be approved.


Few things are as rewarding as sharing your home with a snuggly and soft cat or kitten. Whether you’re a first-time cat owner, or you’ve had several cats in your life, bringing a new cat into your home can sometimes be a real challenge. 

If you’re considering adding a cat or kitten to your family, make sure you check out local shelters and rescues to adopt your new furry friend. Shelters and rescues are constantly inundated with unwanted cats and kittens looking for a new home, and you’re sure to find a fantastic feline to share your life with.

Before you head over and start looking at all the adoptable cats, there are few things you need to know.


Breeds, Gender, and Fur Considerations

If you’ve had your heart set on a gorgeous Himalayan, Maine Coon, or Siamese, you might be thinking a shelter cat isn’t for you. Well, you would be wrong. Purebred cats are abandoned every day.

If you’re willing to look in several locations, you’re almost guaranteed to find your very own purebred cat in whatever breed you fancy. In fact, the humane society notes that purebred animals make up almost 25 percent of pets in shelters. There are even breed specific rescues where you can find your ideal cat.

Whether your cat is male or female shouldn’t be too much of a concern, as both male and female cats can make for wonderful, loving companions. Be a responsible pet owner, though, and be sure to have your cat spayed or neutered if it hasn’t already been done at the shelter.

Not only do unwanted litters produce yet more kittens that may end up in shelters, they can also cost you a significant amount of money in surprise medical bills. If you do not spay your female cat, you are also putting her at significant risk for health issues, including ovarian cysts and uterine infections caused by fluctuating hormones and a higher risk for mammary cancer as she gets older.

Another thing to consider is grooming, fur length, and potential cleanup. Long-haired cats are stunning, but they require significantly more brushing and care than short-haired cats. Additionally, not all cats are amenable to being brushed. Be sure you have the time and willingness to do the extra work before taking a long-haired cat home.


Get Ready to Bring Kitty Home

Now that you know what to expect, get ready to head to your local shelter or rescue and find the perfect cat for your home. If you don’t find your new pet right away, keep trying. Shelters and rescues get more pets every day, and your perfect companion is out there waiting for you to bring them home.

Larry Muller